viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013


In our Unit three We are working Throw and Catch, and we are playing funy games such as, balón prisionero, Araña, Batalla campal and the one that we are going to talk about DODGEBALL.
Dodgeball is a game in which players on two teams try to throw large balls at each other while avoiding being hit themselves. In the United States, the game is typically played among children 6-12 in elementary school. However, internationally, the sport has also emerged as a popular middle school, high school and college sport.
There are many variations of the game, but generally the main objective of each team is to eliminate all members of the opposing team by hitting them with thrown balls, catching a ball thrown by a member of the opposing team, or forcing them to move outside the court boundaries when a ball is thrown at them.

At the beginning of a dodgeball game, the balls are lined up on the central dividing line (in some versions of the game, the balls are thrown in the air for the players to catch or divided evenly to both the teams pre-match). The players then rush towards the center line simultaneously and try to grab one of the dodgeballs and throw or roll it backwards to their teammates (they cannot pick up a ball and throw it instantly). This is known as the opening rush.
When a player has been hit by a dodgeball "on the full" (i.e., without hitting the roof, the floor, any of the walls, or an outside object and rebounding off) and no one catches it before it becomes dead, that player has been eliminated and must move to his team's designated bench area (players are still out if the ball rebounds off another dodgeball and/or player and hits them on the full). The same rule applies if any number of people try to catch the ball but drop it. Depending on the rules and variation, "headshots" (balls thrown in dodgeball that hit an opposing player in the head) may either result in the thrower being out, or the person being hit being out.
When a player has been hit by a dodgeball "on the full" (i.e., without hitting the roof, the floor, any of the walls, or an outside object and rebounding off) and no one catches it before it becomes dead, that player has been eliminated and must move to his team's designated bench area .If one of the players try to catch the ball but drop it, The will be eliminated.
If a player catches a ball thrown by the opposing team on the full, then the player who threw the ball is eliminated.
Depending on the rules of a particular game, a ball in the possession of a player can be used to block incoming balls thrown by the opposing team.
In this video you can see a short summary of the rules:


Here you can see some examples of dodgeball  matches:

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